The Plant Lady

2016 Tomato Crop

2/25: started first round of seeds:

  1. Arkansas Traveller
  2. Black Krim
  3. Black Plum
  4. Brandywine
  5. Burgermaster
  6. Eva Purple Ball
  7. Gold Medal
  8. Green Zebra
  9. Homestead 24
  10. Kellogg’s Breakfast
  11. Large Red Cherry
  12. Mortgage Lifter
  13. Oaxacan Pink
  14. Oregon Spring Bush
  15. Pineapple
  16. Pink Accordion
  17. Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye
  18. Yellow Perfection

also started 18 rootstocks for grafting:

  1. Estamino (6)
  2. SuperNatural (12)

and another 18 rootstocks were started 5 days later, 3/1, to ensure a good variety of stem widths to choose from for grafting:

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