Author Archives: ThePlantLady

About ThePlantLady is a library of gardening information compiled from many resources, including written texts, online databases, current research, and first-hand experience from farmers and gardeners. It includes growing requirements specific to each plant, as well as varietal information. My background in microbiology and chemistry allows me to tap into the scientific research being done today and digest it for the use of the home gardener or small farmer.

Figs – Harvesting & Storing

Harvesting & Storage of Figs Edible Parts of the Plant Just the figs, as far as I know… Yield Harvest Timing figs are usually ready to pick in late summer according to “Backyard Harvest”, figs don’t ripen any more once they’re picked; however, Fine Cooking’s “In Season” states that underripe figs can be “coaxed” to […]


Sap-sucking insects frequently found in vegetable and ornamental gardens, sometimes causes leaf to become distorted, or reduces crop production. Viruses can also be transmitted by whiteflies. Google images Physical Description clouds of small white insects fly up when plant is disturbed Tiny oval yellowish to green scale-like insects fasten to leaf undersides Sap sucking insects  […]

Tomato Russet Mite

Don’t grow tomatoes near petunias or potatoes, which are hosts for this mite. Physical Description Very tiny mite – must use at least 20x hand lens to see. These mites are whitish yellow with pear-shaped bodies, move very slowly Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Lifecycle   Plants Affected Tomatoes  Plants […]

Pests, Diseases & Problems of Tomatoes – by Symptom

Whole Plant Plant has poor vigor and reduced yields Root knot nematode (foliage will also yellow and turn brown from the bottom up; may also look wilted Leaves Yellowing of lower leaves between veins (veins remain green) magnesium deficiency (could be caused by overwatering, which locks up the magnesium in the soil) Irregular yellow blotches […]