Author Archives: ThePlantLady

About ThePlantLady is a library of gardening information compiled from many resources, including written texts, online databases, current research, and first-hand experience from farmers and gardeners. It includes growing requirements specific to each plant, as well as varietal information. My background in microbiology and chemistry allows me to tap into the scientific research being done today and digest it for the use of the home gardener or small farmer.

Blister Beetles (stub)

Slender beetles that chew foliage – don’t touch them without gloves; they secrete an oil that can cause skin to blister (RVGPS) Physical Description  slender beetles that chew foliage Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Lifecycle   Plants Affected   Plants Unaffected   Geographical Range   Signs & Symptoms Whole Plant […]


Look for aphids on the underside of leaves and at buds in peppers In brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) they will be found all around curled new leaves, as well as on the stem, and under older leaves they leave sticky spots of honeydew, which initially look shiny & sticky, but can sometimes turn black from […]

How to Spur Prune Grapes

There are two basic methods of pruning grapes: spur pruning and cane pruning. The right method for your grapes is determined by whether your variety produces fruit only on long canes, or whether it can produce the fruit on short canes via spurs. If you know the variety of grape, you can just look up […]

Cover Cropping with Fava Beans

Fava beans are self-pollinating annuals, and their seeds are viable for 2 years. Cold-weather fava beans, such as Banner, can live at temperatures as low as 10°F. Fava beans are classified as ‘heavy givers’, which means they bring large amounts of nitrogen into the soil. Fava beans are exceptionally good for green manuring if you plan to […]

Rodale’s Vegetable Garden Problem Solver (VGPS)

The best and latest advice for beating pests, diseases, and weeds and staying a step ahead of trouble in the garden.Written by Fern Marshall Bradley. From the family and publishing house that wrote the book on organic gardening and sustainable agriculture comes the ultimate resource for the backyard gardener. Well-organized with tons of information and […]