Author Archives: ThePlantLady

About ThePlantLady is a library of gardening information compiled from many resources, including written texts, online databases, current research, and first-hand experience from farmers and gardeners. It includes growing requirements specific to each plant, as well as varietal information. My background in microbiology and chemistry allows me to tap into the scientific research being done today and digest it for the use of the home gardener or small farmer.

Thousand-Headed Kale

Details Brassica oleracea acephala Ancient heirloom kale Open-Pollinated Type: multi-plant, plain leaf variety Color: blue-grey-green leaves Maturity: 50-60 days Size: “huge plant” medium-height variety; will reach up to 5′ Yield: huge plant, with many individual growing points; puts out lots of food Taste: ? Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance: particularly cold-hardy tolerates poor soil conditions rarely […]

How to Grow Bok Choy

Bok Choy, a Chinese cabbage, matures quickly – within a month of sowing, you can usually start harvesting leaves – but it also handles heat better than other leafy green crops. Also spelled Pak Choi. Botanical Information Taxonomy Brassica rapa chinensis A smaller Chinese cabbage with looser, dark green leaves Close relative to tatsoi, member […]

Baby Bok Choy

Details Brassica rapa chinensis Open-Pollinated Type: ? Shape: ? Color: green leaves with white stalk Maturity: 40 days Size: smaller head of bok choy Taste: “mild mustard flavor”, “juicy, crisp texture” Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance: cold-hardy Notes: Sources: Bountiful Gardens Results from My Garden:  SEASON SOURCE DATES PLANTS SPACING MATURITY YIELD PER PLANT AVG […]

Sherwood Leek

Details Allium ampeloprasum Open-Pollinated: yes Type: summer and fall leek Color: green w/ white shaft Maturity: 80 days Size: 18-30″ tall plant Yield:  high yielding “long elegant shanks up to 12″ long” Taste: “mild, sweet flavor” “tender and delicately sweet” Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance:  can withstand frost, but this is not an overwintering variety […]

Prizetaker Leek

Details Allium ampeloprasum Open-Pollinated Heirloom, also known as ‘Lyon’ Maturity: 110-135 days from transplant Color: green w/ white shaft Size: plant grows to 36″ Yield: 8-10″ shanks Taste: mild flavor and tender Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance:  extremely cold-hardy does tend to bulb at maturity; harvest before bulbing Notes: This English heirloom leek first appeared in American […]

Bandit Leek

Details Allium ampeloprasum Open-Pollinated: ? Shape: “erect flag” Color: blue-green leaves, white shank Maturity: 130-140 days Size: 12-13″ shanks “very thick shanks that exhibit no bulbing” Yield: ? Taste: ? Disease Resistance or Environmental Tolerance:  extremely winter hardy Notes: Sources: Seeds of Change (no longer offered) Results from My Garden: no records kept

The Wild World Within

Great article on the effect of diet on the health of your microbiome – bacteria, yeasts, and fungi that inhabit your gut. Your microbiome is potentially the cornerstone for health issues from weight, to mood, to allergies, and of course heart-health. Author: Gretel H. Schueller Article: The Wild World Within Magazine: Eating Well Issue: July / […]