Georgian Fire Garlic
- Type: hard neck porcelain (continental) garlic
- Color:
- creamy white/shiny thick white wrapper
- rose skinned cloves
- Maturity: ?
- Size: “big & fat”
- 2″ and larger diameter bulbs
- 4-7 large cloves per bulb
- Yield: ?
- Taste:
- Heat: 5 (very strong)
- Good for salsa
- “one of the hottest garlics”
- “full-bodied & strong; intense but flavorful”
- “raw flavor is intense and sweet, with a creamy finish”
- “heat that builds to a late surprise kick in the back of the throat”
- “preferred variety for eating fresh, pickling, or roasting”
- Disease or Environmental Tolerance:
- Storage Quality: good
Sources: (where to buy)
Results from My Garden:
- 2010-2011: 3 heads from PVFS (planted 10 cloves)
- Creamy white wrappers, Rose colored cloves
- 5 large cloves per head
- planted 10/13/10 at 4″ spacing in rows 14″ apart
- first time (and first variety) that stem & bulb nematode showed up (5/9/11)
- harvested 4 heads on 5/18/11 (217 days) (no weight recorded)
- 2013-2014: 1 lb seed stock (PVFS) = 8.5 heads = 36 cloves
- planted early November (11/5) at 6″ spacing
- s&b nematodes showed up in mid-March (confirmed with microscope)
- harvested 6/14/14 (217 days:
- 22 (out of 36) heads = 1.6 lbs (~1.1 oz each)
- 61% survival rate