Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli
- concentric brown markings develop on the corm, usually at its base and while in storage
- crocuses and bulbous irises may also be affected
- the corm dries out, becoming mummified but not developing fungal growth
- if plants grow from infected corms, the foliage shows yellow flecing and later striping toward the tips of the outer leaves
- the discoloration spreads downward, and the leaves turn brown and die
- roots of affected corms blacken and may die back
- the fungus usually enters the plant through the basal plate or roots of the corm
- dispose of plants showing foliage symptoms
- check all corms throuroughly before storing in a cool, dry place and again at the end of storage before replanting
- dry plants off after lifting and dip corms in a fungicide solution or treat them with sulfur dust
- plant on a fresh site each year