Purple Beauty Bell Pepper
- Open-Pollinated: yes
- Type: sweet bell pepper
- Shape: Stocky Bell pepper
- Color: Green then ripens to dark purple
- Maturity: 70-80 days
- Size: 18-24″ plants produce 3-3.5″ long x 2.5-3″ diameter peppers with thick walls
- Yield: “very productive”
- Taste: Crisp & succulent
- Disease Resistance: ?
- Recommended by Sylvia Thompson in “The Kitchen Garden” as an open-pollinated purple bell pepper.
Sources: (where to buy)
Results from My Garden:
- 2010: 1 plant produced 3 2-oz peppers; first pepper picked at 52 days
- 2011: not a good year for my peppers; 1 plant produced one very small pepper
- 2012: also not a good year…environmental problems = no peppers