- is not one of the essential elements required by plants
- alkaline soils (pH > 7) with high sodium levels are often deficient in calcium
- 1 meq = 460 lbs
- sodium should be at 1-2% of CEC; the lower end if your water supply has >5 ppm, or if you’re in arid or semi-arid climateIG
- too much sodium ruins the soil, just like Mg does (tightens it into airless condition), although more powerfully soIG
- some crops need quite a bit of NaIG
- some soils (especially arid areas) are naturally higher in NaIG
- most municipal water suppliers add NaIG
- to chemically remove sodium, add gypsum, which allows it to be leached from the soil (it will only leach readily when soil is saturated with the other cations)IG