
Balcony Tomato

I’ve seen the Balcony Tomato listed under a few other names, like “Tomato Patio Princess Hybrid”, both in catalogs owned by Burpee’s. It was developed for container growing, so it makes a very compact shrub, that hangs out over the pot in a nice fashion. I found it to be too tightly grown…almost deformed-looking. it […]

Arkansas Traveler Pink Slicing Tomato

General Traits of Arkansas Traveler Pink Slicing Tomatoes:  Heirloom Indeterminate Fruit traits: color: Pink Tomato 6-8 oz fruits does well in high humidity crack resistant disease resistant  heat tolerant Results from my own garden: No tomatoes set until October, probably because of our low humidity all of these late tomatoes are currently ripening off of the […]

Ananas Noire Tomato

Black Pineapple, or Ananas Noire Tomato

The Ananas Noire tomato is also known as the Black Pineapple Tomato. This is a new trial for my 2010 garden. From the vendor: 85 days; indeterminate. 1.5 pound tomatoes are shades of green, purple, orange and yellow. Bright green flesh with red streaks. Lip smacking flavor starts sweet and ends with tang. “Yields a […]

2011 Tomato Varieties

2011 Tomato Varieties There is a lot of diversity in the Tomato. There are all sorts of colors, sizes & shapes represented. Not to mention growth habit and when they are ready. I tend to favor indeterminate varieties, because they produce all season long, rather than a big explosion all at once. But I cover […]


Sap-sucking insects frequently found in vegetable and ornamental gardens, sometimes causes leaf to become distorted, or reduces crop production. Viruses can also be transmitted by whiteflies. Google images Physical Description clouds of small white insects fly up when plant is disturbed Tiny oval yellowish to green scale-like insects fasten to leaf undersides Sap sucking insects  […]

Tomato Russet Mite

Don’t grow tomatoes near petunias or potatoes, which are hosts for this mite. Physical Description Very tiny mite – must use at least 20x hand lens to see. These mites are whitish yellow with pear-shaped bodies, move very slowly Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Lifecycle   Plants Affected Tomatoes  Plants […]

Pests, Diseases & Problems of Tomatoes – by Symptom

Whole Plant Plant has poor vigor and reduced yields Root knot nematode (foliage will also yellow and turn brown from the bottom up; may also look wilted Leaves Yellowing of lower leaves between veins (veins remain green) magnesium deficiency (could be caused by overwatering, which locks up the magnesium in the soil) Irregular yellow blotches […]

Pink Rot (stub)

Also known as Sclerotinia rot, Blossom blight,Cottony rot, Crown rot, Drop, Water soft rot, White mold. And is very similar to Onion white rot or Mouldy nose (Sclerotium cepivorum) in alliums. Physical Description  Google Images Species & Taxonomy Kingdom: Phylum: Class: Order: Family: Genus Species: Sclerotinia spp. Lifecycle   Plants Affected cabbage celery lettuce tomato Plants Unaffected sugar beet spinach cereals Geographical Range   Signs & […]