Walla Walla Sweet Onions

Walla Wall Sweet Onion Transplants from Peaceful Valley Farm
- Day Length Requirement:
- Type:
- Shape: round
- Color: light brown skin, light yellow flesh
- Maturity: 100-125 days
- Size: ?
- Taste:
- relatively low in sulfur, which means they are a very mild onion
- high water content (85% water) results in great flavor because it dilutes the sulfur
- crisp and juicy sweet onion
- mild enough to eat raw
- Disease Resistance: ?
- Storage:
- limited; just a couple of months
- consider them to be seasonal and perishable
- high water and low sulfur content makes them not good for storing
- very cold hardy
- sulfur causes the strong, pungent onion flavor, while water & sugar content result in sweeter flavor
Sources: (where to buy)
Results from My Garden:
- 2010-2011: harvested 9 bulbs = 5 lbs; 9 oz on average
- 2011-2012: no records kept
- 2012-2013: no records kept
- 2013-2014: 1 lb of transplants = 41 plants
- planted biointensively at 4″ on 10/31/13
- bolted in early May; pulled those to eat (14 large scallions)
- had to harvest early (5/13/14), so they hadn’t gotten big yet… (26 small to medium bulbs
- confused on maturity days:
- stated to be 100-125 days
- I pulled them at 194 days (May), but they still hadn’t formed full bulbs
- also, I planted them according to their recommendations (Oct-Nov)
- so maybe the over-wintering days don’t count?
- Total Harvest:
- 14 large scallions
- 26 small to medium bulbs